Logo PhRx : Les Pharmacies Ian-Philip Paul-Hus

Ian-Philip Paul-Hus pharmacies rely on a team of professionals who offer an efficient and above all human service.


Probiotics are "good" bacteria in the intestines. They are small living organisms. Probiotics help prevent disease, facilitate digestion and help stimulate the production of antibodies that, by inhibiting "bad" bacteria, are a pillar of the immune system.

A person with gastroenteritis is contagious as soon as they develop symptoms (diarrhea, fever, intestinal cramps, fatigue) and could contaminate their environment leaving other members of their family, or their colleagues at work at risk of contracting the disease.

If you have ever seen a doctor or nurse practitioner and received treatment for a fever blisters or a cold sore in the last four years, you do not have to see a doctor again. Just visit our pharmacist without an appointment. Following an assessment, he may prescribe the same